Pre-conference field study workshops are being conducted for the combined purposes of 1) fact-finding and 2) laying groundwork and planning for a final international conference integrating findings and themes. Preconference field study workshops will feature papers and presentations building toward the final conference in Boulder, Colorado, in the October of 2014.
Japan Workshop:
The first field study workshop was held from March 12-15, 2013 in Iwate Prefecture in Japan, where a small team of international researchers from Japan, Taiwan, and the U.S. visited the tsunami-affected region and met with government officials and academic researchers to get a better understanding of the issues facing this prefecture in rebuilding after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Read the full Workshop Report. |
US Workshop:
The second field study workshop was held on July 12 at the Natural Hazards Center at the University of Colorado, Boulder. The meeting featured presentations from emerging U.S. researchers and practitioners whose work focuses on recovery issues. U.S. participants were joined by colleagues from Japan and Taiwan and New Zealand. View the Workshop Presentations. Read the draft Workshop Report. |
Taiwan Workshop:
The third and final field study workshop was held in Taiwan in October 2013 and included site visits to areas affected by the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake and Typhoon Morakot in 2009. Participants from the US, Japan, and New Zealand joined colleagues in Taiwan for the week. |